Yum Yum Brownies

So I made these Yum Yum Brownies a week ago and I am just now posting them. I found this recipe because I was searching for a simple and easy chocolate dessert that I could make with no eggs and no milk. I hadn’t done my shopping yet so I had no eggs or milk in the fridge and with out time to run to the store before I had to get dinner and dessert ready.


Now I love to bake and I do all the time, even if I don’t post something I still most likely baked something that day but here’s the thing. I never really bake with out eggs, cupcakes, cakes, cookies, and brownies all usually have eggs in them. So I was a little skeptical of this recipe to start with but it turned out fantastic! Soft and chewy just like you expect your brownies to be, I ended up cooking mine for a few minutes longer than the original recipe calls for because I doubled it and used a larger pan. Continue reading

Easy as.. Strawberry Pie!

So a few days ago I posted a very simple pie crust and the reason for that post was so I could do this post. A super yummy, super simple Strawberry pie! Now I set out to make this pie specifically after I saw a post of one on Pinterest and followed the link to this great site here. I wasn’t even looking for Strawberry pie, or pie at all… I was actually searching for a cute white pie plate and ended up with a beautiful picture of a delicious looking pie.

Photo belongs Two Twenty One. Original photo, post, and recipe can be found here: http://www.twotwentyone.net/2012/06/strawberry-pie/

I really love this display of the pie.. This super cute white pie plate on top of a vintage looking blue cake plate. I personally love old touches like this in the kitchen and even through out the house.

This pie says spring to me and that summer is around the corner. Now I am the kind of person who loves fall and winter! I love the cool crisp weather, the fall colors, pumpkin patches, snow and Christmas, but nothing really beats the fresh fruit and veggies of spring and summer.

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Simple little pie crust.

Okay.. So this little post is for a very simple little pie crust. It only has 5 ingredients and is very simple to make. Lets start with why I even needed this recipe! Well I needed… sorry wanted… to make a pie and I kind of needed a pie crust yet I did not have a pie crust recipe. What?


Now every homemaker needs a good pie crust recipe and I didn’t have a simple pie crust so of course I turned to the internet to find a fast and easy recipe. It only took me about 40 minutes to complete it from start to finish. That might seem like a long time for a pie crust but this includes a resting time.

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Potato soup and blueberry muffins!

Yes you read that right, Potato soup and blueberry muffins! This may seem very odd to you, and it does to most people that I tell my dinner plans to on potato soup day but I am telling you the combination is outstanding and you have to try it!

Now the first time I remember trying this is when I was little at Grandmas house. This soup recipe is the one she uses, so I have no idea where she got it but it has always been the one she uses. This recipe is a nice savory and buttery potato soup, it always reminds me of the great buttery Clam chowder fromĀ Doogers (located in Seaside Oregon), just minus the clams.

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