Lettuce Wraps…

My oh my the beginning of summer has hit here and the heat has be rising with the hit. We hit a June record of 90 degrees here yesterday and believe me, we ate out last night! Trying to keep this house cool and keep the electric bill down is not an easy task. It just plain sucks.. lets be real.

I have been trying for years to get my boyfriend to let me buy a pool for the back yard but I have yet to be successful. In his words.. “It’s not that hot.” *mental eye roll* Lets just say that I would rather have it below 30 and snowing sideways before I have it be 90 all summer.

Anyway, I have a little lunch or snack for us trying to keep cool throughout our days at home. By the title of this little post you would have guessed it’s lettuce wraps and you are right. Nothing special there, they are simple as can be but I am posting it because there is not over, or stove for that matter if you get the right bacon.



Lettuce wraps aren’t anything really special but they are something different form the regular old sandwich or hot lunch you make yourself everyday. I eat a lot of these during the summer for lunch for three reasons. 1: They are simple and cheap to make. It cost maybe $10 for a week of lunches. 2: You can do almost any mix of ingredients you want. AND 3: It’s a refreshing light meal that won’t make you extra full and miserable during the hot summer.

The one pictured above is one of my favorite combinations and during the winter, or when I don’t care much about carbs, I eat it as a regular everyday sandwich. Turkey, cheddar, and bacon lettuce wrap.

Oh I wanted to touch on the part about not stove. How in the heck do I get cooked bacon with out a stove? Well that is easy, microwave! Believe me it’s the best invention since, well sliced bread.

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